

My previous edition of this was a train, boat, plane and car wreck at the same time. I revised the whole chapter. Fixed the style, changed the formatting. Got an editor. So hopefully this will be better than my previous attempt. Please leave comments about how I can improve my translations. Also there are editor and TL note in chapter. if you don’t like it leave a comment and let me know.

Chapter 1: The Abject Youth


This is my first translation. Not sure on how formating and stuff should go. The light novel is still in progress but its quite a fun novel.

Literary Superstar |【文艺大明星】

Original author’s summery:
From the Galaxy award to the Nebula Award. From ” Mars Rescue ” to ” Three-Body “. From base series to walking in the galaxy. Creating the three laws of robotics, to setting the Dark Forest Laws, Young artist Lin Han sets off sci-fi craze.

Table of contents:

Literary Superstar TOC